Yesterday an unknown number of FaceBook users were presented with a link to try a new beta version of FaceBook called, FaceBook Lite. Many of the users who tried to access the beta version of FaceBook were met with disappointment because the link didn’t work. The reason why the link didn’t work for so many people was because FaceBook made a mistake of rolling out the beta version prematurely.
The Lite Version of FaceBook isn’t intended to replace the current. Instead, it is going to be offered as an alternative way to access FaceBook quickly and easily. It serves as a stripped down version of the original, increasing load times, and performance. The idea is to help people make the best of FaceBook who live in areas of the world with slow Internet access.
Some speculated that the FaceBook update was intended to take a stab at their competition, FriendFeed and Twitter, but TechCrunch doesn’t think so. FaceBook Lite doesn’t have many things in common with Twitter or FriendFeed. But, in time, that could change. It’s more thought that FaceBook Lite is intended to help others with slow access similar to the Lite version of MySpace.